BPA and Phthalates Tied to Obesity and Diabetes in Children

BPA and Phthalates Tied to Obesity and Diabetes in Children
One in six American children and teens is obese, which brings a range of other health risks, like diabetes, into their lives at an early age. A new study shows a link between phthalates and insulin resistance (which leads to diabetes), and BPA and obesity in adolescents. “Clearly unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity… Read more »

The Scary Story of the Real Bears, and How the City of Richmond Could Change It

The Scary Story of the Real Bears, and How the City of Richmond Could Change It
This Halloween, remember the story of the Real Bears if you really want to be frightened. Soda companies sell their products with advertisements that show the sugary beverages as part of active, fun lifestyles, like the “cool” polar bears that chug Coca Cola. The beverage industry wouldn’t sell very much soda if they truthfully represented… Read more »

Fruit and Veggie Prescriptions Give Low-Income Families a Leg Up to Tackle Obesity

Fruit and Veggie Prescriptions Give Low-Income Families a Leg Up to Tackle Obesity
Grist recently featured the fruit and veggie prescription program, Fruit and Veggie Rx. The program works with health clinics to give vouchers to low-income and obese families that are redeemable at local farmers’ markets. This simple, family-based approach ensures that healthy eating habits are supported by access to the freshest, most nutritious food available and… Read more »