Take Action: Support Nutrition Incentive Funding in California

Take Action: Support Nutrition Incentive Funding in California
Last year, the State passed a terrific bill, AB 1321. It established a program that makes fresh fruit and vegetables more affordable for low-income families, and drives revenue to California’s small and mid-sized farms. It also attracts matching funds from the Federal Government. Problem is, this win-win-win program isn’t funded! Spring means budget season in… Read more »

Our Farmers’ Market Finder Tool Is Helping Californians Locate Healthy, Fresh Food

Our Farmers' Market Finder Tool Is Helping Californians Locate Healthy, Fresh Food
Last week, Bay Area Bites, the food blog arm of KQED, published a piece on our Farmers’ Market Finder tool. FMFinder.org is becoming the go-to for anyone looking for a Farmers’ Market near them in California, and its features allow CalFresh and WIC recipients to find farmers’ markets to spend their benefits. This tool is… Read more »

SF Chronicle Covers our Work to Make Healthy Food Accessible

SF Chronicle Covers our Work to Make Healthy Food Accessible
One of the big areas where our work has been expanding is with Market Match, a program that allows people who receive food assistance to have their benefits doubled when they shop at Farmers’ Markets. This makes it easier for families to make healthy food choices, and it benefits the local farmers, who take home… Read more »

Farmers’ Market Finder Tool: Improving Access to Healthy, Affordable Food at Farmers’ Markets

Farmers’ Market Finder Tool: Improving Access to Healthy, Affordable Food at Farmers’ Markets
As the country waits for the Farm Bill to pass, and funding for food stamps remains in limbo, the Ecology Center is launching a tool that allows Californians on food assistance to easily find the healthiest, affordable food from a farmers’ market near them. The Farmers’ Market Finder displays all farmers’ markets that accept CalFresh… Read more »

Freeing Land for Food: Urban Greening and Gentrification, 9/28/13

Freeing Land for Food: Urban Greening and Gentrification, 9/28/13
The final event in our “Soil in the City” series looks at how urban gardening intersects with social justice. Why are urban soils so toxic in communities that have the least access to healthy foods? Is a community garden in your neighborhood always good for the community and does it meet the needs of the… Read more »