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The Ecology Center maintains a public library that focuses on the environmental concerns of Californians, with particular emphasis on the Bay Area. Our library is open to everyone for reference.
We are not currently checking out materials, however we invite the public to come in and use them during Resource Center hours: Wednesday–Saturday, 12pm–5pm.
The collection contains an impressive selection of books, reports, and do-it-yourself pamphlets on a range of environmental subjects such as: toxics, renewable energy, permaculture, gardening, recycling, environmental education, sustainable development, climate action, and environmental justice. Special collections include a large selection of environmental education curriculum, natural building guides, an urban farming focus, and local recycling history.
The community may review our online catalog to see what materials we may have.
If you are a member who has checked out a book and would like to return it, please place it in the return tray during Resource Center hours.
The Ecology Center houses the BASIL—the Bay Area Seed Interchange Library.
Location: 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702
Hours Available: Wednesday–Saturday, 12–5pm