We Did It: Berkeley Beat Big Soda

We Did It: Berkeley Beat Big Soda
Thank you, Berkeley, for being so amazing! Thank you for passing Measure D! Berkeley’s sugar sweetened beverage tax passed last night with a 75% landslide vote. In a time of such political darkness, our local politics are a shining light of true democracy. This is a watershed moment: a tale of a small community taking… Read more »

Victory for Safer Sofas!

Victory for Safer Sofas!
Good tidings! The Center for Environmental Health announced that Gov. Jerry Brown approved new standards that protect everyone’s health, by limiting unnecessary exposure to toxic flame retardants. This is a toxicity in the home issue that we have been following for quite some time. Let’s take a moment to celebrate that we can start getting… Read more »

Berkeley, Richmond and SF Set to Divest from Fossil Fuels

Berkeley, Richmond and SF Set to Divest from Fossil Fuels
The mayors of Berkeley and Richmond announced today that they are committed to divesting city funds and pension investments from fossil fuel companies. This follows San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors unanimous vote on Tuesday to urge their $16 billion pension fund to divest from fossil fuels. It’s an exciting moment for the fossil fuels divestment… Read more »