We will be at the Greek Theatre, Tuesday August 26th, sharing our work and playing games with Jack Johnson concert-goers. Our participation is part of Jack Johnson’s effort to support local non-profits on his tours. Through donating all of the proceeds from his tours, he’s raised $25 million for environmental organizations like ours! He’s particularly passionate about plastic-free initiatives and local food systems, and so are we. By partnering with Jack Johnson and his social action network, All at Once, we get to engage with his fans, and encourage their commitment to avoid single use plastic items, or eat locally by shopping at our Farmers’ Market. But joining this effort is not just for fans of Jack Johnson. You can help us meet his generous match by donating any amount to us online by September 1st! With your donations, we can get to $2500, which Jack Johnson’s foundation will match, bringing us $5000! Donate today. Thank you, Jack Johnson, and thank YOU, supporters!
Help Us Reach Jack Johnson’s $2500 Match by Sep 1st!
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