Community-wide greenhouse gas emission measures from 2011 show that Berkeley’s emissions are down 8% since 2000, but to meet our city’s Climate Action Plan goal, we need to be 33% below 2000 levels by 2020 and 80% below by 2050. Staff from the City of Berkeley have been tracking greenhouse gas emissions from these areas: total community-wide greenhouse gas emissions, commercial and residential energy use, the number of bike parking spaces, the number of trees, residential water use, community-wide solid waste disposal and recycling, and more. They have a new infographic that provides a snapshot of how we’re doing in these different areas (click on picture to view full size):
We will reach the goals set in the Climate Action Plan if everyone plays a role – you can help meet these goals! Here are some resources to get you started:
- Review the “Taking Local Action on Climate Change” fact sheet, available in English and Spanish.
- Sign up for our EcoCalendar, Newsletter and/or Climate Action email lists to get updates on classes and events that can help you reduce your climate impact.
- If you want to play an active role in addressing climate change beyond your own household, check out the Berkeley Climate Action Coalition. Join a Working Group to carry out projects from a specific area of the Climate Action Plan. Your participation in the Coalition is welcome!
- Do you have a question about climate impact, climate change, or need other resources not addressed here? Contact our Environmental Info Desk.
Great work… keep it up!!!