Climate Action and Adaptation Tour at the EcoHouse, Saturday, 3/30/13

Climate Action and Adaptation Tour at the EcoHouse, Saturday, 3/30/13
What are ten things you can do around your home to reduce your climate impact? Come tour our demonstration EcoHouse and draw inspiration to reduce your impact on climate change, and climate change’s impact on you. We’ll present ideas for do-it-yourself projects, including our toolshed built with 4 different natural building methods and topped with… Read more »

Coming this February, “From Lightbulbs to Legislation,” Our Interactive, Free Climate Change Series

Coming this February, "From Lightbulbs to Legislation," Our Interactive, Free Climate Change Series
When it comes to climate change, switching out lightbulbs is only part of the solution. In this three-session series of tours and workshops, we’ll explore the many layers of climate solutions, from greywater systems and living roofs to policy making. All are welcome to sign up and those who have attended previous Ecology Center climate… Read more »