Take Action to Ban Fracking: Tell Nancy Skinner to Support AB 1301 in Key Vote on Monday

20130427frackSeveral fracking bills are making their way through California’s legislative process, but the one to support is AB 1301 (Bloom). This bill would place a moratorium on fracking and offers the strongest protection for our water, climate and health. AB 1301 is up for a vote before the Natural Resources Committee this Monday, April 29th. Assemblymember Nancy Skinner will have a key vote as a member of that committee. East Bay residents of the 15th District (click here for map of the district) should take a moment to call or email this weekend, and express their support as her constituent for AB 1301.

The Center for Biological Diversity offers these points to share when you call or email:

  • Fracking poses unacceptable risks to our air, water, wildlife, public health, economy and climate.
  • Nationally, fracking and its resulting toxic wastewater have left an extensive track record of spills, accidents, leaks, pollution, and property damage.
  • As your constituent, I’m asking you to vote yes on A.B. 1301 (Bloom), which would place on fracking in California and mandates review of the threats the practice poses to the environment and public health.

To call Nancy Skinner’s office (leave a voicemail if no staff answers):

District Office: (510) 286-1400
Sacramento Office: (916) 319-2015

To email Nancy Skinner, click here.

[Photo by billb1961 on Flickr]

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