The Ecology Center is proud to support this campaign to improve health in Berkeley, and this Saturday is your chance to get involved! It’s the next meeting of the Berkeley Healthy Child Coalition, the community coalition driving the Berkeley vs. Big Soda campaign. Join us as a supporter of Berkeley vs. Big Soda – learn how you can volunteer, or just come by to hear more about the campaign. We promise to keep it fun and informative.
When: Saturday, April 26th from 2 – 5pm
Where: Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1823 Ninth Street @ Hearst, Berkeley (Note: The church is undergoing renovations. We’ll meet in the community room behind the church that’s accessible by ramp from the sidewalk on Ninth Street. Look for the signs. Parking is available on the residential streets around the church.)
RSVP or questions: Email
- 2 – 2:30: Newcomers’ Orientation
- 2:30 – 3: Introductions
- 3 – 3:15: Campaign Update
- 3:15 – 4:45: Trainings, demos & practice for tabling, messaging, house parties & social media; sign up for volunteer opportunities
- 4:45 – 5: Closing & workgroup discussions
Looking for other ways to support? Tell your friends to:
- Register as a supporter on the campaign website,
- Like the campaign on facebook.
- Follow the campaign on twitter.
- Donate any amount through the website: this campaign survives through donations from community members like you.