Crop Swaps Gain in Popularity
In Berkeley, backyard gardeners with excess produce can barter their goods at crop swaps, one in North Berkeley, and the other more recently started in South Berkeley. Both crop swaps were initiated by Transition Berkeley, partly in response to the need to strengthen neighborhoods in times of economic hardship. These two crop swaps are part… Read more »
Bay Trash to Yard Art
Seven years ago, North Berkeley resident Mark Olivier, frustrated at the amount of trash that washes up on East Bay shorelines, decided that instead of waiting for someone to come around and do something about the mess, he would deal with it himself. And for seven years, he has been doing beach cleanups in a… Read more »
80% of Baby Products Contain Toxic or Untested Flame Retardants
According to an article on, eighty percent of baby products contain toxic chemical flame retardants, some of which have been linked to increased risks for thyroid impairment, reproductive problems, endocrine disruption, cancer, and other health issues. These chemicals are now found in products such as baby carriers, changing pads, and rocking chairs. So how… Read more »
Who Should Pay for the Disposal of Batteries?
More than 500 million batteries are sold each year in California. Those battery sales mean big profits for battery manufacturers and big disposal costs to taxpayers and consumers. California taxpayers pay tens of millions of dollars each year to dispose of batteries, which are hazardous waste. In Europe and Canada, battery manufacturers are obligated to… Read more »