Ask the EcoTeam: My New Carpet is Off-Gassing!

Ask the EcoTeam: My New Carpet is Off-Gassing!
Fall 2018 Update: The original version of this post, first published in 2010, has been one of the most popular pages on our site for almost a decade. We’re updating it now with some new information, but perhaps the most important update is that there isn’t much new information out there. After months of researching Read more »

Three “Producer Responsibility” California Waste Bills Passed

Three "Producer Responsibility" California Waste Bills Passed
We at the Ecology Center are great believers in “Product Stewardship,” which is also known as “Extended Producer Responsibility” or EPR. EPR is a policy approach that shifts the responsibility for waste management costs from solely being the burden of taxpayers and ratepayers to include manufacturers of products who can compete to reduce recycling costs.… Read more »