ResourceContact Info
Pollinate Farm and Garden
Pollinate Farm and Garden is a local general store with a twist: they provide supplies for seed-to-table organic…
510 686-3493
2727 Fruitvale Avenue
Oakland, CA 94601
Renee’s Garden Seeds
Renee’s Garden offers a wide variety of flower, vegetable and herb seeds in their online catalog which they…
888 880-7228
6060A Graham Hill Rd
Felton, CA 95018
Seed Library of Los Angeles (SLOLA)
A collection of seeds and a community of gardeners, which facilitates the growth of open-pollinated seeds among residents…
424 250-0804
13000 Venice Blvd (The Learning Garden an Venice High School)
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Seed Matters
A Clif Bar Family Foundation initiative advocating for the improvement and protection of organic seed to ensure healthy,…
Seed Savers Exchange
Organic gardens growing thousands of rare varieties of fruits and vegetables at Heritage Farm. $25.-$40. Seed Saver’s Exchange…
563 382-5990
3094 North Winn Rd.
Decorah, IA 52101