Resource | Contact Info |
Bio Integral Resource Center BIRC BIRC publishes journals on least- and nontoxic pest control; people can submit pest questions online to their experts.… | 510 524-2567 POB 7414 Berkeley, CA 94707 |
California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Integrated Pest Control Branch The Integrated Pest Control Branch conducts a wide range of pest management and eradication projects as part of… | |
Cam Am Pest Control Uses IPM ( Integrated Pest Management ), then least-toxic pesticides as a last resort. General structural pest management.… |
650 369-1514 205 DeAnza PMB 141 San Mateo, CA 94402 |
Crane Pest Control Commercial/Industrial/Food Service/Health Care professional preventive-maintenance pest management programs maximizing public health protection. Green Pro Certified (they claim to… | 415 922-1666 2700 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 |
Critter Control A national chain of IPM pest control practitioners specializing in wildlife control. They will trap or remove bats,… | 510 880-3629 PO Box 2486 Martinez, CA 94553 |