Resource | Contact Info |
Armstrong World Industries Manufactures DLW Natural Linoleum (sustainable flooring, natural linoleum)… | 800 233-3823 Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 2500 Columbia Ave 17603 Lancaster, PA 17604 |
Berkeley Design Center An 8,000 square feet showroom for green building products for residential and commercial construction. Sustainable products on display… | 510 652-6064 3195 Adeline Street (1 Block South of Ashby BART) Berkeley, CA 94703 |
BioShield Healthy Living Paints BioShield Paint manufactures and distributes a variety of natural finishes, including primers and oils, stains, paints and thinners,… | 505 438-3448 Plaza Entrada 3005 S. St. Francis Ste 2A Sante Fe, NE 87505 |
Blodgett’s Floor Covering Sells all natural cork floating floor and parquet tiles.… | 925 284-4807 3291 Mt. Diablo Court Lafayette, CA 94549 |
Build It Green A non-profit hub for information on green building in the San Francisco Bay Area, providing advice and referrals… | 510 590-3360 1330 Broadway, Suite 1702 Oakland, CA 94612 |