Would you like to move to the country? Or just concerned about where the economy is going and figure that living in the country we can at least raise our own food? Get away from the noise, high rent and bad air? Do you have a bit of more or less independent income, or are good enough at hustling some work in a place where there may not be a lot of it? I’m asking this because living entirely off the land is not realistic with these 5 acres, but the place is beautiful, SW facing gentle hillside, have put in garden, watering systems, trees and berry bushes, pond, have chicken, lots of buildings, shop. All the hard work setting up the place is already done, but of course there will always be a bit of hard work here and there, so I am looking for people who are able to work. I’m 60, used to be a contractor in the Bay Area, now work on the computer. Laytonville is a northern California coastal mountain valley village, 3 hours up hwy 101. Looking for 2-3 people preferably past their 20s, but not necessarily so. Would especially like to have people that like to garden. One other person in early 40s is living in a trailer space here.
Clean and sober living environment.
You will need to pay some rent, but I will presume you will work some of it off too. Depending on where you get to live here, we’re talking about the equivalent of $300-$600 per month. Email for more information.