City of Berkeley – Planning and Development

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Land Use Planning Division administers Zoning regulations, reviews development projects and assists the community in its efforts to plan for the City’s physical, cultural, environmental, and socioeconomic future.
(510) 981-7410

The Permit Service Center issues permits for Building and Safety, Zoning, Engineering, Fire, and Health Department. Permit records for current and completed projects are available for review.
(510) 981-7500

The Building & Safety Division provides building plan review, inspection services, Building Code information, and administers the City’s Un-reinforced Masonry Building program.
(510) 981-7440

The Toxics Management Division regulates hazardous materials and waste, responds to chemical emergencies,manages contaminated sites,and provides other environmental services.
(510) 981-7460

Redevelopment spurs economic development through capital project financing and construction, and creation of affordable housing in the West Berkeley and Savo Island project areas.
(510) 981-7520

Website: planning@cityofberkeley.infoPhone: 510 981-7400Mailing Address:2120 Milvia Street
Berkeley, CA 94704Date Updated: 10/4/2011