Ebbs and Flows: State of Water in California

Ebbs and Flows: State of Water in California
Galen Folk is the Ecology Center’s Youth Program Assistant. Since 2015, Galen has worked at the Farm Fresh Choice stand, providing healthy, affordable food every Tuesday to South Berkeley, and has supported our Education & Engagement program, and communications staff. Galen was key to the launch of the Ecology Center’s new Instagram account. This post Read more »

Create Your Own Water-Wise Home and Landscape, 3/26/15

Create Your Own Water-Wise Home and Landscape, 3/26/15
From reusing greywater, to collecting rainwater, to installing waterless composting toilets, simple alterations can transform our home water systems. A recent study found that households saved an average of 15,000 gallons a year after installing greywater system! This presentation will teach you how you can transform your own home so it conserves and reuses our… Read more »

From Roof to Rain Barrel to Yard: Class with Kim Titus from Urban Farmer Store this Saturday, 2/21/15

From Roof to Rain Barrel to Yard: Class with Kim Titus from Urban Farmer Store this Saturday, 2/21/15
The current drought is caused by warmer temperatures due to climate change, but in 2015 so far, California has had average precipitation. The warming weather means more of it falls as rain, leading to diminishing snow pack to carry us through our dry summers. These type of conditions make capturing and making the most of… Read more »

Indra Designs, Inc.

Indra Designs, Inc.
Water management and landscape designs for a sustainable future: – Storm water management, – Rainwater Collection System Design and Consulatation – Greywater System Design and Consultation – Irrigation System Audit – Smart Timers and ET (Evapotranspiration) Systems – Water Efficient Landscape Design and Implementation – Native Plant Consultation… Read more »

Get the Low Down on Pee and Poo: Composting Toilet Event, 8/7/14

Get the Low Down on Pee and Poo: Composting Toilet Event, 8/7/14
Composting toilets and urine reuse are drought-savvy practices that we don’t see many public examples of in the US. These systems can be sanitary and ecological, conserving drinkable water for uses other than flushing toilets. Get the low down on repurposing human waste at an evening presentation with Greywater Action, Thursday, August 7th. Learn about… Read more »