Income Qualified Opportunities for a Sustainable Commute (New E-Bike incentives for CA!)

Income Qualified Opportunities for a Sustainable Commute (New E-Bike incentives for CA!)
Note: New Information added about an E-Bile incentive for Income Qualified people in CA! The Ecology Center has been working with the City of Berkeley’s Office of Energy and Sustainable Development on a Climate Equity project within Berkeley. Part of that project created a local Climate Ambassador program. One of those ambassadors, Adrian Gonzalez,  did… Read more »

Holiday Travel: Planes, Trains and Biofueled-Hybrid-Offset-Carpools

Holiday Travel: Planes, Trains and Biofueled-Hybrid-Offset-Carpools
If you have to travel around the holidays, don’t let your best intentions for eco-friendly living fly out the window. Here’s a few tips to help you have a great vacation and keep your impact on the planet to a minimum. Getting There: * Take the train. A train can use up to 70% less… Read more »