Berkeley Collects First Month of Soda Tax, Projects $1.2 Million per Year

Berkeley Collects First Month of Soda Tax, Projects $1.2 Million per Year
[Press Release] The City of Berkeley announced yesterday that it collected $116,000 for the month of March from Measure D, the sugar-sweetened beverage tax that voters passed overwhelmingly last November. Given that the tax focused solely on a few dozen major distributors, the City estimates annualized receipts of at least $1.2 million. “The implementation has… Read more »

Save Berkeley’s School Gardens! Attend School Board Meeting Tomorrow 4/22/15

Save Berkeley's School Gardens! Attend School Board Meeting Tomorrow 4/22/15
We know so many parents, community members, and especially students, past and present, who are big fans of Berkeley’s public school Garden & Cooking Program. We are too, because the program provides invaluable health, nutrition, and food literacy lessons to a broad swath of Berkeley’s kids. We’ve been concerned by the repeated cuts to the… Read more »

City of Berkeley Announces Measure D Panel of Experts Application, Deadline 1/17/15

City of Berkeley Announces Measure D Panel of Experts Application, Deadline 1/17/15
Exciting news! The City of Berkeley is moving forward with implementation of Measure D. Today, City Council shared the announcement below about the creation of the Panel of Experts. The panel will advise Council on how to spend proceeds from the tax. Interested applicants should fill out and return the application available here to the… Read more »

We Did It: Berkeley Beat Big Soda

We Did It: Berkeley Beat Big Soda
Thank you, Berkeley, for being so amazing! Thank you for passing Measure D! Berkeley’s sugar sweetened beverage tax passed last night with a 75% landslide vote. In a time of such political darkness, our local politics are a shining light of true democracy. This is a watershed moment: a tale of a small community taking… Read more »