Earth Day Shoreline Clean Up, 4/23/16

Earth Day Shoreline Clean Up, 4/23/16
Give back to the Bay and all the creatures who call it home! Start off with an all-levels donation based yoga class at 8:00am. At 9:00am we’ll learn about pollution and clean-up strategies. Then we’ll head out to collect litter and record data, which will help change laws to improve the health of our ecosystem.… Read more »

Earth Day Around the Bay

Earth Day Around the Bay
Earth Day falls on April 22nd each year, but many communities use the whole month of April to bring people together to learn, take action, or be hands on helping the environment. In the Bay Area, there’s a range of festivals and gatherings big and small. Here’s a selection of what’s happening for Earth Day,… Read more »

Plastic-Free July Update: Shoreline Clean-Up Collects 2028 Pieces of Litter!

Plastic-Free July Update: Shoreline Clean-Up Collects 2028 Pieces of Litter!
We gathered on a beautiful Saturday morning at Berkeley’s Shorebird Park Nature Center to learn more about the San Francisco Bay, and lend a hand for the shoreline cleanup. City of Berkeley staff member Loren began with a brief history of the Bay, reminding us of a previous proposal to fill it in entirely! Due… Read more »

Join Us to Clean-Up the Berkeley Shoreline, This Saturday, 7/18/15

Join Us to Clean-Up the Berkeley Shoreline, This Saturday, 7/18/15
For Plastic-Free July, we’re getting hands on with a shoreline clean-up in partnership with the City of Berkeley this Saturday. If you’re into citizen-science, volunteering, or thinking about how to solve the problem of plastic, this clean-up is for you. Clean-ups are like a real life treasure hunt, where the treasure is the feeling you… Read more »

Join Shoreline Clean-Up, 7/19/14 for Plastic-Free July

Join Shoreline Clean-Up, 7/19/14 for Plastic-Free July
Looking for litter? Try your luck with us at a Shoreline Clean-Up, Saturday, July 19th. According to the California Coastal Commission, post-July 4th is the most polluted time for our public beaches and shores. We can prevent litter at the source by reducing our personal plastic use. By removing existing litter at a clean-up, we … Read more »