Moving Beyond Cars: Films and Strategies for Livable Streets, Tuesday, 8/21/12

Moving Beyond Cars: Films and Strategies for Livable Streets, Tuesday, 8/21/12
Transition Berkeley and the Ecology Center invite you to enjoy a series of short films celebrating green transportation solutions from around the world and here in the Bay Area. Following the films we’ll brainstorm ways to encourage all of Berkeley to move beyond cars – to walk, bike and take public transit.… Read more »

Award Winning Documentary “YERT”, Thursday 3/15/12

Award Winning Documentary "YERT", Thursday 3/15/12
Join us for a screening of this feature length film, followed by discussion with the film’s producer and star, Mark Dixon! Called to action by a planet in peril, three friends hit the road – traveling with hope, humor, and all of their garbage – to explore every state in America (the good, the bad…and… Read more »