EcoHouse Living Roof Is Featured in Berkeleyside

EcoHouse Living Roof Is Featured in Berkeleyside
Berkeleyside put out a list of “Berkeley’s secret rooftop gardens,” which includes the EcoHouse garden shed living roof. While some of the rooftops listed by Berkeleyside are not accessible to the public, you check out the EcoHouse garden roof up close by attending one of our tours. Look out for an upcoming Ecological Design, or… Read more »

Climate Action and Adaptation Tour at the EcoHouse, Saturday, 3/30/13

Climate Action and Adaptation Tour at the EcoHouse, Saturday, 3/30/13
What are ten things you can do around your home to reduce your climate impact? Come tour our demonstration EcoHouse and draw inspiration to reduce your impact on climate change, and climate change’s impact on you. We’ll present ideas for do-it-yourself projects, including our toolshed built with 4 different natural building methods and topped with… Read more »

Climate Immersion: A Free Series of Field Trips, Tours and More, Starts Tonight, 3/19/13

Climate Immersion: A Free Series of Field Trips, Tours and More, Starts Tonight, 3/19/13
In this three-session intro series, we’ll explore the many layers of climate solutions, from urban farms to personal action plans. The series is a perfect fit for those wanting to develop some basic knowledge about climate change, be exposed to models of successful community solutions, and build relationships with other engaged community members. Can’t make… Read more »

From Light Bulbs to Legislation: an Interactive Climate Change Series, Pre-Register by 10/18/12

From Light Bulbs to Legislation: an Interactive Climate Change Series, Pre-Register by 10/18/12
Our new three-part climate workshop series is scheduled to begin next week. In this free series, we’ll explore the many layers of climate solutions, from urban farms to personal action plans. All are welcome to sign up and those who have attended previous Ecology Center climate workshops are also encouraged to participate in this new… Read more »

Create Your Raingarden, Next Saturday, 9/22/12

Create Your Raingarden, Next Saturday, 9/22/12
What does your rain garden look like? The fourth event in our “Reclaim, Rebuild, Reskill” series will provide tools and inspiration for integrating water into the landscape. This workshop and skillshare will begin with a slideshow on raingardens and innovative ways to capture and use water, will include a tour of the EcoHouse water features,… Read more »