Calling local businesses/organizations in Berkeley for tabling at Farmers’ Market Events:
If your business is :
- Located in Berkeley
- Independent (businesses that are chains are subject to approval)
- Aligned with Ecology Center’s mission and values
- Interested in tabling and engaging the public at outdoor events of the farmers’ market
You may apply for one of the limited spots for activities and tabling for local businesses. All businesses are subject to the requirements outlined below.
Requirements for Tabling:
- Non-refundable fees: $20 fee for a 5 ft spot, $30 fee for 10 foot spot. $10 fee for non-profits.
- Tabling is in designated areas only, subject to change based on which event you’re applying for. Email for more information.
- Spots are available on a first come, first served basis both on day of and in application process.
- Participation of all businesses is subject to approval of Ecology Center staff.
- There are no refunds, fees must be paid before tabling unless special agreement in writing by events coordinator of Ecology Center.
- To keep the spirit of these events interactive and engaging, each business/organization will offer an activity including but not limited to: drawing, questions with prize giveaway, wheel game, coloring, etc.
- No giveaway items or prizes may be plastic items or food items not purchased at the market.
Dates/Events Available until the end of 2018:
- Tuesday August 7th, 2018 National Night Out 6-9:30 PM (Set up 5:30 pm)
- Saturday August 11th, 2018 1st Annual Salsa Festival 10 AM-3 PM (Set Up 9am)
- Tuesday, October 30th, 2018 Dia De Los Muertos Festival 2:30-6:30 PM (Set up at 2 PM)
- Saturday December 8th, 2018 Holiday Crafts Festival Day #1 10 AM-3 PM (Set Up 9am)
- Saturday December 15th, 2018 Holiday Crafts Festival Day #2 10 AM-3 PM (Set Up 9am)
- Saturday December 23rd, 2018 Holiday Crafts Festival Day #3 10 AM-3 PM (Set Up 9am)
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