ResourceContact Info
Alameda County Paint GiveAway Program
The HHW program sells re-blended paint to the public for $25 per 5 gallon pail. The paint is…

510 670-6460
1131 Harbor Bay Pkwy.
Alameda, CA 94502
American Formulating and Manufacturing
Manufactures and distributes: dyno flex, dyno seal, carpet guard, Safe coat paint, AFM Water Seal, and other products,…
619 239-0321
3251 3rd Ave
San Diego, CA 92103
American Pride Paint Southern Diversified Products, LLC
Manufactures zero VOC interior and exterior paints and primers. Website features a “store locator” wizard.…
888 714-9422
4200 Mamie Street, Suite 120
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Artist and Craftsman Supply
Carries traditional milk paints, egg tempura paints, water-based silk screening, and block printing inks.…
510 704-4040
2573 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
BioShield Healthy Living Paints
BioShield Paint manufactures and distributes a variety of natural finishes, including primers and oils, stains, paints and thinners,…
505 438-3448
Plaza Entrada 3005 S. St. Francis Ste 2A
Sante Fe, NE 87505