ResourceContact Info
Berkeley Natural Grocery
Carries biodegradable plates, cups, cutlery/utensils, etc. Related store: El Cerrito Natural Grocery, 10367 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito,…
510 526-2456
1336 Gilman St.
Berkeley, CA 94706
Produce 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable bags and films made from GMO-free starch. Products include: kitchen bags, compost…
727 789-1646
PO Box 369
Palm Harbor, FL 34682-0369
Eco Products
Manufacturer/distributor of compostable cold cups, hot cups, soup containers, lids, bio-plastic containers, sugarcane plates, bowls and clamshells, cutlery,…
303 449-1876
4755 Walnut Street
Boulder, CO 80301
El Cerrito Natural Grocery
Carries biodegradable cutlery/utensils, cups, plates, waste bags; natural cleaning products, organic socks, bulk products, and herbs; all organic…
510 526-1155
10367 San Pablo Ave
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Excellent Packaging and Supply / BioMass Packaging
Offers a full line of environmentally sensitive and recycled products, including biodegradable and compostable products ranging from packaging…
800 317-2737
3220 Blume Drive, Suite 111
Richmond, CA 94806