ResourceContact Info
A Living Library
A community garden space and learning environment organized by Life Frames Inc. There are Living Libraries located in…
415 206-9710
San Francisco, CA 94110
Alemany Farm
Friends of Alemany Farm is a volunteer group that manages the horticulture, volunteer, and educational programs at Alemany…
415 624-9934
700 Alemany Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94110
American Community Gardening Association
The ACGA is a nonprofit organization comprised of professionals, volunteers and supporters of community gardening and greening in…
877 275-2242
1777 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43203
Ashby Community Garden
A Berkeley community garden. A collectively run garden of community fruit trees, chickens, a beehive, and about a…
510 845-5850
Ashby Ave. between Mabel and Sacramento
Berkeley, CA 94702
Berkeley Community Gardening Collaborative (BCGC)
BCGC is composed of diverse community garden members who share a common commitment to organic, urban agriculture and…
510 883-9096
P.O. Box 2801
Berkeley, CA 94702