ResourceContact Info
Natural Home Cleaning Professionals, LLC
A worker-owned cooperative, organized by WAGES (Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security). This eco-friendly housecleaning service uses least-toxic…
510 532-6645
3228 Fruitvale Ave
Oakland, CA 94602
Naturale Way
Eco-Friendly cleaning service without strong odors or toxic products. Offering non-toxic cleaning service for home and office.…

510 229-3498
NaturesClean is a New York-based least-toxic, organic and/or natural cleaning product maker and cleaning service provider. Their products…
631 235-7847
Lidenhurst, NY
Sparkling Clean Agency
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Company. Serves the following areas: San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Solano, and San Mateo.…
415 742-4869
1649 Taraval St
San Francisco, CA 94116
Women’s Action To Gain Economic Security WAGES
A cooperative of women workers, working for justice and the environment, with the aim of protecting the health…
510 451-3100
1904 Franklin St., Suite 801
Oakland, CA 94612