Educate Vendors in Scrip Redemption Rules and Procedures
Vendor education is an ongoing process. The market operator should educate returning vendors and new employees about EBT scrip, how the process works, and which products are eligible. SNAP rules state no U.S. currency is to be given as change and that each customer must receive full value for scrip.
Vendors should be able to direct customers, who want to shop with their EBT cards, to the information booth or staff person to get scrip. Further, vendors can help to promote EBT use at the market through their interactions with customers. For resources on vendor education in English and Spanish, click on templates below.
Please review USDA’s SNAP retailer permit training materials to be aware of all regulations that you must comply with.
Farmer/Vendor Handouts:
- Farmer/Vendor Scrip Guide Example (English and Spanish) in Microsoft Word Document
- Farmer/Vendor Informational Handout (English) in Word
- Farmer/Vendor Informational Handout (English) in PDF
- Farmer/Vendor Informational Handout (Spanish) in Word
- Farmer/Vendor Informational Handout (Spanish) in PDF
- Vendor/Association Agreement – This can be used as an agreement between farmers and an organization (other than the farmers’ market management) for operation of an EBT redemption system by the association within a farmers’ market or flea market.