2013 is leaving us high and dry. It was California’s driest year on record, and our local water agency, EBMUD, is reporting rainfall was less than 30% of average years. Rainfall in the next few months will be critical to replenish reservoirs, snow pack and water tables to carry us through the summer. If not enough comes our way, by May there could be an official drought declared by EBMUD, meaning either voluntary or mandatory water rationing. The best use of these cool, dry winter days is to convert your garden to be more drought tolerant and install rainwater catchment systems! Check out Greywater Action for resources on water conservation, or stay tuned to our EcoCalendar for a special tour focused on water-saving features at our EcoHouse. Read more on the prospects of a 2014 drought from our local news, KTVU.
[photo by mlhradio on Flickr]