Update of Ecology Center Recycling Program

Dear Ecology Center Supporters,

At the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 29th, City Manager Phil Kamlarz presented his recommendations for closing the solid waste budget gap. His recommendations did not include termination of the Ecology Center recycling contract. His recommendations did include cost-cutting measures such as switching to one-driver routes, deleting unfilled positions, and other strategies that we are willing to try. We are hopeful about the new direction that the discussion has taken. The City Council had a chance to ask follow-up questions. The next City Council Meeting where this issue will be discussed is slated for May 3rd. In the meantime, we will continue to meet with City staff to hammer out details. Thank you again for all your support during this time of intense uncertainty. If you were unable to attend the City Council meeting, but are curious about the details, click here to be linked to the video of the meeting.

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