A new bill going before California State Legislature, AB 2145 would cripple future Community Choice Energy (CCA) programs. CCAs create alternatives to the big utility monopolies, allowing for greater mix of renewable and local energy sources. Established CCAs dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity, helping to meet California’s climate goals that were set in AB 32. Read more about CCAs and what impact an East Bay CCA would have in this report from the Berkeley Climate Action Coalition’s Community Choice Energy Working Group.
Here’s why this bill is bad news for CCAs: AB 2145 includes a provision that would make these programs “opt-in,” an unprecedented requirement for choosing a utility provider. New CCAs would have to do extensive outreach to get enough customers enrolled, hindering their ability to be a viable alternative to existing private utilities. Under current law, when a new CCA program is established, all residents are enrolled in the program but are given many opportunities to opt out and return to their previous utility. Click here to keep CCAs growing in California! The Assembly Utility Committee is meeting this coming Monday, April 21st to move this bill forward or stop it in its tracks. Tell them to stop it today!
[Photo by Windwärts Energie GmbH on Flickr]
Vote no on AB 2145!! Please help us become a more sustainable state. Help us move forward in this fight to reduce greenhouse gases. Leaders, please lead!
The invertor owned utilities have the CPUC in their pockets. Their high rates are already determining where I plan to retire in California. We must have choice or others like me cannot retire in investor owned utility districts.