In the next 25 years, the Bay Area population is projected to climb by about 2 million residents, nearly all concentrated in urban areas. How can we accommodate this tremendous influx of people and keep regional greenhouse gas emissions under control? Transit-oriented development may be the answer. On Thursday, September 22, join leaders from prominent Bay Area transportation and social justice organizations as we explore regional issues and visions for transit-oriented development that support social equity. We’ll ask questions such as, “What should the vision for transit-oriented development that supports social equity be? How can we protect people’s right to breath clean air while still keeping housing and transit affordable? If housing is sited next to sources of heavy pollution, what mitigation measures should developers put in place to safeguard people’s health?” Click here for event details.
Click here to hear an interview on KPFA about our upcoming event. Tune in around the 30:00 minute mark.
[Photo by Tuija]