From reusing greywater, to collecting rainwater, to installing waterless composting toilets, simple alterations can transform our home water systems. A recent study found that households saved an average of 15,000 gallons a year after installing greywater system! This presentation will teach you how you can transform your own home so it conserves and reuses our precious water resources, while growing a bountiful garden. It will also include national trends, codes and regulations, costs, health and safety considerations, and system examples.
Presenter Laura Allen is the co-founder of Greywater Action and has spent the past 15 years exploring low-tech, sustainable water solutions. She leads classes and workshops, including the first greywater training program for professional installers, and participates in writing state-level greywater and composting toilet codes. Laura is the author of The Water-Wise Home: How to Conserve, Capture, and Reuse Water in your Home and Landscape (Storey Press, 2015). Books will be available for sale and signing. This event is co-sponsored by The Urban Farmer Store.
Come join on Thursday, March 26 from 7-9PM at the Ecology Center, we hope to have you there! For more details, click here.