We at the Ecology Center are thrilled to see so many friends getting into the ancient art of beekeeping, especially in light of the serious challenges that industrial honeybees are facing. To support this renewed movement, our Store stocks a large selection of beekeeping books. We invite you to check out “Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture” by Ross Conrad. Michael Phillips, author of The Apple Grower, writes: “”Orchardists in Japan depend on the army to hand-pollinate their fruit crop (and what a striking image that is!) due to a shortage of bees. But far better to support the insect pollinators in this world. Ross Conrad has created an intimate guide to beekeeping that clearly details holistic methods aimed at hive health. The honeybee faces many affronts to its immune system in these days of tracheal mites and pesticide overload. The so-called ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’ now facing industrial beekeepers makes it all the more imperative that local farmers and gardeners learn healthy ways to assist the honeybee. Ross has laid out the ground rules; the rest of us need to heed the buzz.”
Find this, and other titles on beekeeping at the Ecology Center Store, open Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm.