Berkeley’s Transition Town

In February of this year, the Ecology Center hosted a Transition Town meeting with about 100 community members and representatives from the City of Berkeley’s Office of Energy and Sustainable Development, “as part of an international movement aimed at promoting community-based sustainability, specifically in regard to energy consumption, oil reliance and food production.”

“Each Transition Town – an international hyper-local movement – strives to meet these sustainability goals differently. Silber, for example, said she wants to work with children to map fruit trees in Berkeley and also collaborate with local efforts such as the Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition’s ‘1,000 Bicyclists’ campaign and Berkeley’s Victory Garden Club. Transition U.S. Executive Director Carolyne Stayton said her chapter in Sebastapol has organized neighborhood walks and mapped emergency water and gas shutoffs.”

“At the meeting, attendees wrote thoughts on poster paper about the group’s direction. Respondents advocated partnering with UC Berkeley and neighborhood associations, and the long brainstorm list included projects such as integrating electric vehicles into transportation services, legalizing rooster-keeping and creating community orchards and network gardens.” Click here to read more.

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