As you might have heard, the City is considering terminating the Ecology Center’s Recycling Program. The recommendation is coming from a report by Sloan Vazquez, LLC, an Irvine-based solid waste consulting firm. The Ecology Center maintains that the report is inaccurate and incomplete, with enormous omissions and faulty conclusions for how the City can close their budget deficit. Steve Sherman is a 20-year resident of Berkeley who has worked on various consulting engagements for the City since 1992 on waste reduction, recycling, and composting program development, refinement, and expansion, in his role as President of Applied Compost Consulting, Inc., and as Solid Waste Group Manager for Environmental Science Associates. Sherman penned the following compelling critique of the Sloan Vazquez report, and submitted it to the Mayor and Berkeley City Council.
Berkeley Solid Waste Consultant Slams Sloan Report
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