10 ways we moved the needle in 2014

20141229megaphoneHere’s what’s inspiring us to think big for 2015:

      1. We helped pass Measure D, doing what we always do: convening, creating content-rich events, engaging the community, and changing the environment so it supports health, justice, and resilience.
      2. Market Match expanded to 153 farmers’ markets in California, creating 46,412 purchases of affordable fruits and vegetables by food stamp recipients, and generating revenue for small farmers.
      3. Our 3 weekly farmers’ markets supported 375,412 shopping trips, adding 10 million dollars to the local economy.
      4. We convened and facilitated the Berkeley Climate Action Coalition (BCAC), the Berkeley Food Policy Council, and the California Alliance of Farmers’ Markets (the Alliance), bringing together a wide range of people and groups to pursue common goals…
      5. These coalitions worked together for important policy wins: the Alliance helped pass AB 1871, to raise the bar for integrity at California farmers’ markets, and a BCAC working group helped defeat AB 2145, which would have killed community choice energy programs.
      6. We shepherded our first cohort of Youth interns through our environmental academy, giving them on-the-job experience and leading them into deeper knowledge of environmental topics.
      7. We hosted and sponsored over 85 free or low-cost classes, workshops, and events for the community, including Soda: the Series and Plastic-Free July.
      8. Our hotline and help desk fielded 1500 inquiries from the public on a wide range of issues, and our helpful fact sheets were accessed by 33,000 people around the world.
      9. Our curbside recycling crew picked up 8400 tons of recyclables, every day moving the City of Berkeley toward zero waste.
      10. Our organization spread the word about innovative programs wider than ever before, making it into 10 national publications.

Make a donation today and help us keep this momentum going strong in the new year!

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