Part of the strategy used by the campaign was to get our message out to local voters through Op-Eds in local media. These helped create conversation on the soda tax. Click on the links below to read the Op-Eds that were published during the campaign:
“Op-ed: Lessons from the war on tobacco: How to beat Big Soda,” Berkeleyside, 10/30/14
“Op-ed: Berkeley teachers support Measure D,” Berkeleyside, 10/30/14
“Op-ed: Measure D levels the health playing field,” Berkeleyside, 10/30/14
“Editorial: Berkeley voters should support soda tax,” Oakland Tribune, 10/27/14
“Vote yes on Measure D, no on Big Money in politics,” The Daily Cal, 10/20/14
“Op-ed: Berkeley, not Big Soda, knows what’s best for Berkeley,” Berkeleyside, 10/14/14
“Op-Ed: Refuse to be confused, Vote Yes on Measure D,” Berkeleyside, 10/9/14
“Op-Ed: The goal is health: Measure D brings us closer,” Berkeleyside, 10/8/14
“Op-Ed: How Big Soda tried to buy my political soul,” Berkeleyside, 10/7/14
“Op-Ed: We trust officials to spend soda tax money wisely,” Berkeleyside, 10/1/14
“Opinion: Move to limit and tax soda is the new tobacco fight”, SF Examiner, 9/30/14
“Op-Ed: All of us in Berkeley should say yes to Measure D,” Berkeleyside, 9/21/14
“Op-ed: Let’s join forces to back a Healthy Berkeley program,” Berkeleyside, 4/16/14