Alice Waters Sandwich September 15, 2004 by Penny.Leff Eight years ago last month, I was hired to manage the Berkeley Farmers' Markets, a thirty-hour per week job that paid ten dollars an hour.
Meat Is a Hot Potato August 15, 2004 by Penny.Leff Making policy can be tough work, especially when those policies affect what we eat.
Laissez-faire it A’int February 15, 2004 by Penny.Leff Strawberries and tomatoes, apple cider and green beans. Berkeley Farmers’ Markets bustle with an abundance of the best of each season’s harvest.
Window on the Ecology Center November 15, 2003 by Penny.Leff The big yellow truck usually arrives a little late to the Derby Street Tuesday Farmers’ Market. A casual shopper might raise an eyebrow, thinking these late arrivals got up late or took a long lunch break.
Cabbage Meets Cars August 15, 2003 by Penny.Leff As the co-manager of the Ecology Center’s farmers’ markets, I know that birthing a market involves more than lining up growers.