Why Soda-Tax Battles Matter in the Fight Against Obesity

Why Soda-Tax Battles Matter in the Fight Against Obesity
A recent op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle lines up the scientific reasons why sugary beverages are linked to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other health concerns. The quick snapshot is that soda and other sugary drinks deliver huge quantities of glucose and fructose directly to our bloodstream, overloading our pancreas and liver. Fructose gets… Read more »

BPA and Phthalates Tied to Obesity and Diabetes in Children

BPA and Phthalates Tied to Obesity and Diabetes in Children
One in six American children and teens is obese, which brings a range of other health risks, like diabetes, into their lives at an early age. A new study shows a link between phthalates and insulin resistance (which leads to diabetes), and BPA and obesity in adolescents. “Clearly unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity… Read more »