New Local Soda Taxes Poised to Go to Voters in SF, Oakland, and Albany

New Local Soda Taxes Poised to Go to Voters in SF, Oakland, and Albany
You probably remember the successful soda tax in Berkeley during the 2014 election. That same election year, there was a proposed San Francisco soda tax that failed to pass. Now, two years later, that could change as Berkeley’s neighboring cities are taking steps to increase health awareness by proposing their own taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages… Read more »

Watch New Short Film: Berkeley Vs. Big Soda

Watch New Short Film: Berkeley Vs. Big Soda
On March 28th, 2016 the Ecology Center released “Berkeley vs. Big Soda,” a short film that tells the story of how a community fought the powerful beverage industry to pass a tax on the distribution of sugary beverages. The movie features campaign footage and is told by the diverse coalition members that coalesced to support… Read more »

Soda Politics Book Launch: An Evening with Marion Nestle, 11/4/15

Soda Politics Book Launch: An Evening with Marion Nestle, 11/4/15
It’s been one year since Berkeley passed the groundbreaking soda tax. The efforts of that campaign is recognized in a new book Soda Politics by a national thought-leader on public health policies, Marion Nestle. She will be giving a free talk in Berkeley this Wednesday evening at the David Brower Center, make sure you get… Read more »

We Did It: Berkeley Beat Big Soda

We Did It: Berkeley Beat Big Soda
Thank you, Berkeley, for being so amazing! Thank you for passing Measure D! Berkeley’s sugar sweetened beverage tax passed last night with a 75% landslide vote. In a time of such political darkness, our local politics are a shining light of true democracy. This is a watershed moment: a tale of a small community taking… Read more »

Next in Soda Series: Is Soda the New Tobacco? 10/7/14

Next in Soda Series: Is Soda the New Tobacco? 10/7/14
This morning when the proposed soda taxes in San Francisco and Berkeley were discussed on KQED’s Forum, a question came up: is there even one doctor who is against a soda tax? They are sure keeping quiet. In contrast, a long list of medical, dental, and health professionals are vocal supporters of the soda tax.… Read more »