ResourceContact Info
Alameda Point Collaborative
A unique neighborhood located on 34 acres of Alameda Point. Comprised of formerly homeless residents, staff and volunteers…
510 898-7800
677 W. Ranger Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
Ambience Eco
Alisa owns and runs a Bay-Friendly Qualified Business. She is an interior/exterior, Eco Feng Shui Designer/Consultant/DIY, Coach/Author/Educator, offering…
510 525-5290
Catchtail Gardens
A family owned permaculture farm offering tours, classes and opportunities for public participation. Built on an land which…
707 824-4408
P.O. Box 2426
Sebastopol, CA 95473
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
The Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute is a Permaculture training, counseling, research and development center. In addition to…
970 927-4158
P.O. Box 631
Basalt, CO 81621
City Sown
A community hub for local agriculture and food security. They grow plants and starts for local nurseries and…
510 517-3284