ResourceContact Info
Armstrong World Industries
Manufactures DLW Natural Linoleum (sustainable flooring, natural linoleum)…
800 233-3823
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 2500 Columbia Ave 17603
Lancaster, PA 17604
Berkeley Design Center
An 8,000 square feet showroom for green building products for residential and commercial construction. Sustainable products on display…
510 652-6064
3195 Adeline Street (1 Block South of Ashby BART)
Berkeley, CA 94703
BioShield Healthy Living Paints
BioShield Paint manufactures and distributes a variety of natural finishes, including primers and oils, stains, paints and thinners,…
505 438-3448
Plaza Entrada 3005 S. St. Francis Ste 2A
Sante Fe, NE 87505
Blodgett’s Floor Covering
Sells all natural cork floating floor and parquet tiles.…
925 284-4807
3291 Mt. Diablo Court
Lafayette, CA 94549
Build It Green
A non-profit hub for information on green building in the San Francisco Bay Area, providing advice and referrals…
510 590-3360
1330 Broadway, Suite 1702
Oakland, CA 94612