Berkeley Has Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 8% since 2000

20130720capCommunity-wide greenhouse gas emission measures from 2011 show that Berkeley’s emissions are down 8% since 2000, but to meet our city’s Climate Action Plan goal, we need to be 33% below 2000 levels by 2020 and 80% below by 2050. Staff from the City of Berkeley have been tracking greenhouse gas emissions from these areas: total community-wide greenhouse gas emissions, commercial and residential energy use, the number of bike parking spaces, the number of trees, residential water use, community-wide solid waste disposal and recycling, and more. They have a new infographic that provides a snapshot of how we’re doing in these different areas (click on picture to view full size): 20130720infographic

We will reach the goals set in the Climate Action Plan if everyone plays a role – you can help meet these goals! Here are some resources to get you started:

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